
cisco 3560 isolate ports

i have 3 vlans on my catalyst WS-C3560X-24T-L
now vlan 1396 gets the internet connection from fast 0/1
vlan 2 is giving out the connection on fast 0/2 and it connected to the firewall
i want to create vlan3 which get internet from fast 0/3 and works like layer2 switch
because i return from firewall to the vlan 3

If I understand correctly(partly because of my experience in your last question)......VLAN 1396 takes an outside internet connection that routes to another internet address you have on interface VLAN 2 on your router.  Fa0/2 is configured for VLAN 2 and is connected to the WAN port of your firewall.  Fa0/3 is connected to the LAN port of your firewall?  Go ahead and configured vlan 3 on fa0/3 and all of your other interfaces.  from 3560(config)# :
vlan 3
name LAN
int range fa0/3-24
switchport mode access

switchport  WS-C3560X-24T-S    access vlan 3

