
Need VPN HELP!!! UP-IDLE only.


I am trying to connect my Cisco Catalyst 3560 office 2801 router with a static IP to my home 2851 router that has a dynamic IP address via a VPN

Currently I seem to have a VPN connection but no data crosses it.  When I issue the command SHOW CRYPTO SESSION, here is what I get:

Interface: FastEthernet0/0
Session status: UP-IDLE
Peer: port 10327
  IKEv1 SA: local remote Active

HOME 2851
Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0
Session status: DOWN
Peer: port 500
  IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
        Active SAs: 0, origin: crypto map

Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0
Session status: UP-IDLE
Peer: port 4500
  IKEv1 SA: local remote Active

Any idea why I am not able to get the IPSec part to work?

crypto isakmp policy 1
encr 3des
hash md5
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp key VPNpassword address
crypto ipsec transform-set TS-1 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
crypto dynamic-map NCL-vpn 10
set security-association lifetime seconds 86400
set transform-set TS-1
match address VPN1-FLA-TRAFFIC
crypto map VPN-FLA-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic NCL-vpn
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
crypto map VPN-FLA-MAP
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
no ip forward-protocol nd
ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
ip route
ip route
ip access-list extended VPN1-FLA-TRAFFIC
permit ip

2851 HOME
! ---------- This is used for local SSH only ----------
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2516279958
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2516279958
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2516279958
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2516279958
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
!  ------------------ END LOCAL USE PKI --------------------------
------------------For VPN use ------------------------
crypto isakmp policy 1
encr 3des
hash md5
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp key VPNpassword address
crypto ipsec transform-set TS esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
crypto map vpn-to-hq 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set TS
match address VPN-TRAFFIC
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description Router - C3524 Port Fa0/23
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
crypto map vpn-to-hq
ip access-list extended VPN-TRAFFIC
permit ip


permit ip

2851 HOME
permit ip

you should replace the bolded IP addresses by your LAN subnet IPs as an IPSec tunnel is for LAN to LAN Cisco 3560 Switch communication.


simple question


Kindly i need to ask ,WS-C3560X-24T-L  what does it mean by subnet zero at this phrase " The ip subnet zero command is not configured on a router "


clear explanation with WS-C3560X-24T-S Price example.


Change the VLAN-to-MSTI mapping effect


We are about to migrate a Cisco Catalyst 3560 large network from  Rapid Spanning-tree to MST. There is one question , at the moment, which is not clear. Assuming that we have an MST region with 500 switches ( all in the same region).  We now wish to add one new vlan. What is the procedure and effect of this change.
My question relates to the process of the change. From my understanding , the moment I add one vlan to one switch, that switch will no longer be in the same region as the original region because the VLAN to MSTI mapping has changed. This will cause what effect. Where does one start to make this change? In the root bridge of the region, where then the moment the change is committed,  the old region won't see the former switches in its region?
If you start the change at the bottom, then as you make the change in more and more switches, they do will drop out of the original region. If all this is true then it seems that until all 500 switches have the changed MST configuration, there won't be a stable spanning-tree topology. This could create  a maitnance  issue where every such change may  take a long  time  and while the  change is being applied to all 500 switches the spanning-tree and hence the network will not be stable or production enabled.


Check out these threads:


In short - creating or deleting a VLAN will not cause a topology change or a MST region separation because VLANs are pre-mapped into MST instances before they even exist. Changing this VLAN-to-instance mapping would indeed cause the MST region to become split until all switches were identically configured, but creating or deleting the VLAN alone has no impact Cisco 3560 Switch on the MST region.


Connect three routers to two networks?


The image of my current WS-C3750X-48P-L Price setup is below. I am tryint to connect the Central router to the ISP router through a switch. Same with the South router. However, I want the Central and South routers to not be on the same network. Central will be and South will be Packets between Central and South will be routed through the ISP router, including a VPN connection between the two. The problem I am having is that I can't get the crypto map setting to work on subinterfaces, so how can I keep this set up without needing to connect the two routers to the ISP router directly?

The ISP and that switch are meant to represent an Internet connection. This is why I can't have them on the same network.I am still pretty new to this, so forgive my ignorance if I haven't posted all the required information.


Add 2 vlans to the 2960; 1 vlan for South and 1 vlan for Central.  create a trunk between the 2960 and the 2811 ISP router.

the configure the sub interfaces on the 2811 that represent each VLAN to be in either and the other sub interface in

so lets say your fa0/1 on your isp router is connected to the 2960:

description central
encapsulation dot1q 100
ip address

description south
encapsulation dot1q 200
ip address

(syntax off the top of my head)

Please remember to rate useful posts, by WS-C3750X-24S-S  clicking on the stars below.  


BGP Multihoming design topology


There a few design considerations WS-C3750X-24S-S Price I was hoping I could get some insight from the community on.. Before I start, the ultimate goal for us to use BOTH Internet connections in an active/active configuration - utilizing both pipes..

Disclaimer: I have gathered this design from a lot of other posts that have somewhat of a similiar topology with ASA-->3750-->router pair-->CPE--internet.. Please keep an open mind if you think im on the wrong track..

Please see the attached design topology.

Questions related to design:

What kind of routes should I get from each carrier? I have been told that partial/partial routes plus a default route form each carrier is the way to go. Also, I've heard mention that full routes from both carriers are preferred. My ASR1001's can support ~500k routes. I know the global table is approximately ~337k routes. My goal is to use both pipes and use the best outbound path per carrier.

We will be leasing our /24 space from SONIC. I plan on running OSPF on the DC-Edge-SW1 in conjunction with iBGP - so I can default originate two equal cost routes back to my ASA. My confusion is when the traffic hits DC-Edge-SW1, there will be default equal-cost iBGP routes to both ASR1001's (DC-Edge-RT1 & DC-Edge-RT2). If the switch does not have the BGP table, it will just load-share across both ASR's. When the traffic hits the ASR's, will they know which carrier has the best path and route accordingly?

Should the iBGP connection between both routers be directly connected ? Or will it suffice through the L3 3750 connection? Also, with the limitations on the routes for the ASR1001 at ~500k. If we end up getting full routes from carriers and create a iBGP neighborship between both routers, will this exceed the route limitations on this platform?

On both routes, I will have the network statement 'network mask' This is a leased network from SONIC, and we NAT everything on our ASA to My question is, will this be a problem broadcasting this network from our AS to both carriers AS?

Refer to bgp-design.jpg - is it a requirement that I use our leased public subnet for the interfaces from ASA5510 -> 3750 -> ASR1001?

Thank's in advance for any assistance/insight you can provide as this is the most advanced topology I have worked with.


There is one problem with using 2 x /30's between your edge routers and the 3750 -> ASA, when your iBGP session advertises routes to the other peer they will be blackholed / unreachable.

For example say DC-Edge-RT1 (  advertises a route for to DC-Edge-RT2 via iBGP, DC-Edge-RT2 will know that is via To forward a packet to DC-Edge-RT2 will lookup the route to and will find a route via OSPF which is via the 3750.

DC-Edge-RT2 will then spit out a packet destined for out the interface to the downstream 3750, this is where the problem occurs, the 3750 doesn't have a clue how to get to because unlike the BGP routers it doesn't have the full table. Well it would use the default routes but you have two of those so that's undesirable.

A solution could be (same one I used):

Setup a HSRP group between your two edge routers so they share a virtual address say:, give RT1 for it's physical address and RT2 for it's physical address. Then create a Vlan on your 3750 with a Layer 3 SVI with an IP of

Just need one default route then:

iBGP will still do some amount of load-sharing depending on the information in the various BGP tables...

If and when you get this up and running you can view the BGP path (and thus your AS Number) from the following LG:


Do a bgp route query for your prefix, will show the AS number and AS-PATH

Any questions, holla!

Oh, just a thought, if there's no requirement for your 3750 to be Layer 3, then you could just create the same HSRP group but put both your Edge routers & your ASA in the same Layer 2 VLAN with no SVI and then set your HSRP group as the Default Gateway for your ASA's WS-C3750X-12S-S  WAN interface.....


VPN IPsec over Dialer interface not working


I am completely out of ideas and Cisco 3560 I rely on the community's help to make a Cisco 881 router finally work.
I have the following configuration:

Current configuration : 2964 bytes
! No configuration change since last restart
version 15.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
no service dhcp
hostname HOSTNAME
no logging console
enable secret 4 Nq2Qa3VgUxOFKhtuNYSfTjmG8tcryP67rejoLPHyZ4Q
enable password PASSWORD
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa session-id common
no process cpu autoprofile hog
memory-size iomem 10
clock timezone EST -5 0
clock summer-time EDT recurring
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3171263040
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3171263040
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3171263040
ip source-route
no ip cef
ip name-server x.x.x.151
ip name-server x.x.x.152
no ipv6 cef
license udi pid CISCO881-K9 sn SERIALNO
username UNAME privilege 15 secret 4 crXTpaYLDkjN6CD9fmkh71./aAHmBSTDMR/AkifA20U
crypto isakmp policy 1
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp key SECRET address x.x.x.202
crypto isakmp keepalive 10 5 periodic
crypto isakmp aggressive-mode disable
crypto ipsec transform-set 3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto map VPN-Map-01 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer x.x.x.202
set transform-set 3DES-SHA
set pfs group2
match address Crypto-list-01
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet2
no ip address
interface FastEthernet3
no ip address
interface FastEthernet4
description DSL Interface
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface Vlan1
description Internal LAN
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly in
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
interface Dialer1
ip address negotiated
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
no ip route-cache
dialer pool 1
ppp authentication chap pap callin
ppp chap hostname USERNAME
ppp chap password 0 PASSWORD
ppp pap sent-username USERNAME password 0 PASSWORD
no cdp enable
crypto map VPN-Map-01
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source list DSL_ACCESSLIST interface Dialer1 overload
ip nat inside source route-map RMAP_1 interface Dialer1 overload
ip route Dialer1
ip access-list extended Crypto-list-01
permit ip
ip access-list extended DSL_ACCESSLIST
permit ip any
access-list 101 deny   ip
access-list 101 permit ip any
route-map RMAP_1 permit 10
match ip address 101
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input all

The following is the result of SHOW CRYPTO SESSION:

Interface: Dialer1
Session status: UP-ACTIVE
Peer: x.x.x.202 port 500
  IKEv1 SA: local x.x.x.161/500 remote x.x.x.202/500 Active
  IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
        Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map

Interface: Virtual-Access1
Session status: DOWN
Peer: port 500
  IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
        Active SAs: 0, origin: crypto map

As much as I understand, the VPN tunnel is active.
I can access the Internet, but I cannot access anything through the VPN tunnel.
Can you help me, please, with this problem?


At least you have a mistake in the NAT-config which can interfere with the traffic that should be sent through the tunnel. Remove the following line and try again:

ip nat inside source list DSL_ACCESSLIST interface Dialer1 overload

Don't stop after you've improved your network! Cisco 3560V2 Price Improve the world by lending money to the working poor:


MPLS for my Company - ISP offers managed router - yay or nay?


I wanted to get some opinions on Catalyst 3560X the topic above.  We are purchasing MPLS services from a large ISP and they offer a managed router option.  I will also have a Cisco ISR 2900 at each site running SRST for my voice system.  I have some experience with BGP and am not scared at all to support it if need be.  That said, I am currently looking at pros and cons of going with a managed router from this company vs managing my own.  Actually, I will manage my own regardless and would just plug it into the managed router.  My router is perfectly capable of handling the BGP protocol but I am hoping that I can get some opinions from all of you.  Thanks in advance!

Pros/Cons of Managed and Unmanaged MPLS router.


there are some operational advantages:
If the router fails, the provider has to fix/replace it in a time given by the contract SLA.
And it's also his responsibility to configure the CE router correctly to comply with the PE router configuration and the provider standards.
There is a clear demarcation line of responsibility: the provider is responsible for any trouble up to the CE router LAN port.

On the other hand, it's important for the customer to get an efficient read-only access to the routers - some providers don't like to let the customers to see the running config, e.g., and provide only a restricted set of CLI commands to the customer.

And last but not least:
The contract should cover how much would the customer pay for configuration changes on the CE routers managed by the provider. Some providers do the changes for free, some require payment per a config change.
But it's more about the contract conditions than WS-C3560X-24T-L Price technical aspects.

Remove a neighbour from BGP Route Propergation


First time poster so hope WS-C3750V2-24TS-S Price I have located this in the correct thread etc

I am very new to BGP routing and am in need of help with the following:

BGP has been setup between our Nexus 5k core's ISP router for our private IP network managed by them.  There is 1 BGP router from what I understand and 1 AS number has been used which has 2 nieghbours set on the Nexus 5k.

Is it possible to remove 1 of the neighbours from this without blowing away the config and starting again with BGP? Reason for this is we don't require BGP to send routes to this neighbour anymore.


To disable the neighbour as mentioned previously use the shutdown key word.

switch(config)# router bgp xxxx
switch(config-router)# neighbor remote-as xxxx
switch(config-router-neighbor)# shutdown

(Optional) Administratively shuts down this BGP neighbor. This command triggers an automatic notification and session reset for the BGP neighbor sessions

This will leave the existing config intact apart from the neighbour being shutdown which is the goal here if I understood correctly.

If you want to remove the configuration for this particular neighbour

switch(config)# router bgp xxxx
switch(config-router)# no neighbor remote-as xxxx

This will remove all commands for this neighbour I believe, but still leave the rest of your BGP configuration intact.


http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/datacenter/nexus5000/sw/unicast/5_0_3_N1_1/l3_bgp.html#wp1078063  WS-C3750X-48T-S 


ip tracking... not tracking


I have this config,

when I remove the dsl cable from the Cisco 3560X Price router, tracking shows all 3 objects as down and then it goes to dialer1.
problem I have is when I plug the dsl cable back, all the objects stay to DOWN even after 5 minutes it just never goes back to UP state so it never goes back to my dialer0.
I was under the impression that when dsl comes up, tracking will go up and things will move over to the main dsl line.

I'm running this on a 891 router with ios Version 15.2(4)M3

track 1 list boolean or
object 12
object 13
object 14
delay up 60
track 12 ip sla 12 reachability
track 13 ip sla 13 reachability
track 14 ip sla 14 reachability

ip route Dialer0 track 1
ip route Dialer1 2

ip sla 12
icmp-echo <IP ON THE INTERNET> source-interface Dialer0
frequency 30
ip sla schedule 12 life forever start-time now
ip sla 13
icmp-echo <IP ON THE INTERNET> source-interface Dialer0
frequency 30
ip sla schedule 13 life forever start-time now
ip sla 14
icmp-echo <IP ON THE INTERNET> source-interface Dialer0
frequency 30
ip sla schedule 14 life forever start-time now


Can you add 3 specfic static route for IP ON THE INTERNET.I hope then Track1 will come UP

For Ex: ip route Dialer0  Cisco 3560X 


Connection problem


I have a 2611XM router that im WS-C3560V2-24TS-S trying to connect to the internet. Basically its set up below.

*Cable Modem plugs into my router F0/0 port.
*Router F0/1 plugs into my switch(2950G) port one and then port 2 is then plugged into my computer.

But i am not getting it to work, what am i missing? Is the configuration needing to be set up properly? Should i be checking the switch or the router? Commands i need to type in to help you give you more information?


You either need to add dns manually if you are keeping your static ip on your workstation, or change your workstation back to dhcp so you can acquire ip settings from your dhcp pool in the router.

more information ,you can visit  http://www.3anetwork.com/cisco-ws-c3560v2-48ts-s-price_p49.html


Connecting 2 routers with only FastEthernet


I have a home lab Cisco 3560V2 Price I am trying to connect a 1710 to a 2610 with just using the fast ethernet ports.  I understand that serial connections and t1 csu/dsu connections use clocking, etc.  How can I configure FA ports to do the same AND be routable?


you do not need to set clocking on fastethernet interfaces. If you want this particular link to be routable all you have to do is ensure that both ends are within the same ip range, e.g.

Router 1

Interface fa0/0
IP address
Speed auto
Duplex auto
No shut

Router 2
Interface fa0/0
IP address
Speed auto
Duplex auto
No shut

This should allow you to 'ping' the other side, if you are able to, then there is connectivity.
If you want to achieve routing for different subnets you can use static routing or a dynamic routing Cisco 3560V2 protocol.


MPLS l2vpn Route Distinquisher Question


I have something I really Cisco 3560 Switch don’t understand about l2vpn in comparison to l3vpn connections.

With l3vpn we have 2 mpls label the top label for communicating between the PE and the PE (most likely loopback ip’s of these routers) and we have the mpls vpn (inner) label with consists of the ip prefix   the route distinquisher so mpls know how to differentiate same routes from multiple customers.

Unfortunately now my confusion starts, with l2vpn connections you also have routedistinquishers, but why do we have them there? For instance with Juniper you have a remote site ID 1 which is communicating with remote site ID 2 and we do nothing with prefixes at all. So if i say this RD is used for making every l2vpn connection in the cloud unique, is this a correct way of saying it?


first of all, the inner label in L3 VPN is not related to the route distinguisher

The VPNv4 prefix is formed by prepending the RD to the original 32 bit IPv4 prefix.

the route distinguisher makes the prefix unique in the signalling plane allowing to discriminate between overlapping prefixes in different VRFs /VPNs.

The inner label is an attribute of the VPNv4 NLRI and is part of the forwarding plane, the sending PE node tells to all the potential peers what inner label it expects to receive when traffic is sent to this specific NLRI.

In Juniper L2VPN signalling is made with MP BGP using a different address family the l2vpn address family.
This is called Kompella L2VPN from the name of its inventor.

As you have guessed also in this case the RD assumes the role of identifying the site. If you can look at the l2vpn MP BGP route you will see the site-id at the end of the composite prefix.

We could say that in L2VPN the prefix is indeed the site id prepended by some other information including Cisco 3560 the RD.


Two ISP, 1 network and 4 remote network(MPLS)

 I have a Cisco 2911 Router WS-C3560X-24T-S from 3Anetwork.com and I need to split the traffic from my Lan (Gi0 / 0) by ISP1 (fa0 / 0) and that of my servers (Gi/0/0) by ISP2 (fa0 / 1). this was achieved with the following confg ..

int fa 0/0/0 (Inter)
ip nat outside

int fa 0/0/1 (CANTV)
ip nat outside

int gi 0/0 (Lan)
ip nat inside
ip policy route-map PBR

ip access-list standard 10 (out CANTV)
permit host
permit host

ip access-list standard 20 (Exit Inter)

ip nat inside source list 10 interface fa 0/0/1 overload
ip nat inside source list 20 interface fa 0/0/0 overload

route-map PBR permit 10
match ip address CANTV
set ip next-hop fa 0/0/1

route-map PBR permit 20
match ip address INTERCABLE
set ip next-hop fa 0/0/0

ip access-list extended CANTV
permit ip any host
permit ip any host

ip access-list extended INTERCABLE
permit ip any

My problem comes when wanting to communicate with my remote networks that reach the int Gi 0/1, because when my network to match the policy-route internet sends me all the way.

You can give a solution to this or another configuration?

The supplier 3Anetwork.com can help but their technical support charge is a bit high, so I would prefer WS-C3560X-48T-L  to do by myself.

Thanks for your help.


NAT - VPN - routing

Hello experts,

I have a connection WS-C3560X-24T-L  to the remote site over VPN.

and I need to alow any traffic from my inside network to address  . All other traffic need to go over vpn.(other side of VPN

interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address A.B.C.D
duplex auto
ip nat outside
speed auto
crypto map VPN_site
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
ip nat inside
duplex auto
speed auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip nat pool IzlazTerminali interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
ip nat inside source list out_1 pool EXIT overload

ip route A.B.C.D1

ip access-list extended VPN_site
permit ip

permit ip host .x.x.x.x

ip access-list extended out_1
permit ip host

but now there is no access to the internet via vpn!!!

The supplier 3Anetwork.com can help but their technical support charge is a bit high, so I would prefer to do by myself.

Thanks for your help.
MsoN� l < X � �L� =EN-US>Answer:

No it won't.  You need to use, a minimum of, 12.4(4)T.  Pay attention to the "T" train.

Go here.  Look at the left-hand column.

Click the 12.4 > 12.4T and choose for the IOS of your choice.

Please don't forget to rate our useful posts. 

I suppose the latest and greatest firmware would be the most appropriate, in the 12.4 range, eg 12.4.24T8(ED), would you agree?
I can't make that decision for you.  For me, I would.  Read the Release Notes so you'll know what open cavaets are still available.

When I speak to my supplier, they tell me that support for this device is discontinued and that it is no longer available for a new contract.
1841 is already End-of-Sale since 01 November 2010, however, you can try to get your vendor WS-C3560X-24T-S to download the IOS for you.