
multicast on cisco 3750 and cisco rv180 - only receiving unicast

I've been struggling with multicast for some bit now.  I receive video through unicast.

The following is true:

A WS-C3750X-24P-S  is configured as such:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
 description Uplink to CiscoRV180
 no switchport
 ip flow ingress
 ip flow egress
 ip address
 ip pim sparse-mode
 ip igmp query-interval 125
 flowcontrol receive desired
 spanning-tree portfast disable
 spanning-tree bpdufilter disable
 spanning-tree bpduguard disable

ip pim rp-address
no ip pim dm-fallback
ip mroute
ip route GigabitEthernet1/0/11

router eigrp 64512
 redistribute connected
 redistribute static
 passive-interface default
 no passive-interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1
 eigrp router-id

connected to WAN port on the RV180 switch:

WAN Information-
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

Routing Mode: Gateway (NAT)

Access Rules:
Default Outbound: Allow

One-to-One NAT
Private Range:
Public Range: 196
Service: ANY

IGMP Proxy: Enable
Upstream: WAN
Allowed Networks: - 154 Length - 32

I can see the video in unicast but can't see it in multicast.  Do I have the routes right? 

multicast debug is on. I see no traffic concerning 172.27.91.x.

None of the WS-C3750X-24P-L  solutions worked.  Had to take Router out of the mix for broadcast to work.


policy routing on cisco 3560

this is my scenario on my cisco WS-C3560X-48P-S

Vlan 3 connects to internet router.
Vlan 4 Users, range
Vlan 5 Users, range
Vlan 7 Servers, range

Can i apply a policy route on Vlan 3 so traffic from end users goes to the internet through another route?
Basically I want to filter and limit users access to the internet. 
I would apply in on the inbound interface. By applying it on the outbound interface I would imagine the Router would already have done a routing table lookup bypassing PBR.

ip access-list extended ACL-PBR
permit ip any
route-map RM-PBR permit 10
match ip address ACL-PBR
Next I wanted to apply the route-map to the correct interface, but that resultant in the following syslog message.
%PLATFORM_PBR-4-SDM_MISMATCH: PBR requires sdm template routing
Looking at the internet for a PBR example on a Cisco Catalyst 3560, I found that I had to change the SDM (Switch Database Management) template. The SDM manages the layer 2 and layer 3 switching information that is maintained in the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). The TCAM is used for forwarding lookups.
Looking at the default configuration the switch had the following SDM configuration.
SW01-L3(config)#do sh sdm prefer
The current template is “desktop default” template.
The selected template optimizes the resources in
the switch to support this level of features for
8 routed interfaces and 1024 VLANs.
number of unicast mac addresses:                  6K
number of IPv4 IGMP groups + multicast routes:    1K
number of IPv4 unicast routes:                    8K
number of directly-connected IPv4 hosts:        6K
number of indirect IPv4 routes:                 2K
number of IPv4 policy based routing aces:         0
number of IPv4/MAC qos aces:                      0.75K
number of IPv4/MAC security aces:                 1K
Looking at the output, there is no memory configured for IPv4 policy based routing aces. This means that I have to change the SDM template to routing. This is achieved be entering the global configuration command:
sdm prefer routing
The execution of the command requires a switch reboot. After the reboot I checked the SDM configuration and noticed that memory is allocated for PBR, like displayed below:
SW01-L3(config)#do sh sdm prefer
The current template is “desktop routing” template.
The selected template optimizes the resources in
the switch to support this level of features for
8 routed interfaces and 1024 VLANs.
number of unicast mac addresses:                  3K
number of IPv4 IGMP groups + multicast routes:    1K
number of IPv4 unicast routes:                    11K
number of directly-connected IPv4 hosts:        3K
number of indirect IPv4 routes:                 8K
number of IPv4 policy based routing aces:         0.5K
number of IPv4/MAC qos aces:                      0.75K
number of IPv4/MAC security aces:                 1K
So I try to apply the route-map to the specific interface, but this resulted in another syslog message.
%PLATFORM_PBR-3-UNSUPPORTED_RMAP: Route-map RM-PBR not supported for Policy-Based Routing
Seems that the PBR configuration is not supported on the switch. At least some commands are not supported. Checking the internet again, I found a document with Unsupported Route Map Commands for a Catalyst WS-C3560X-48T-L
I had to change the next-hop configuration. I replaced the route-map with the following commands.
route-map RM-PBR permit 10
match ip address ACL-PBR

set ip next-hop


Cisco 3750 L3 Core

And 1 other more important: The L3 WS-C3750V2-24PS-S (4 VLAN's /interfaces - 1 for each floor) - has NO access lists on it AT ALL. - This new wake on lan config requires an access list to limit/the broadcasts to be from the sccm/wol server (i dont want broadcasts accross vlans other than the wol). My concern is does an access-list not have an implicit deny (to all other traffic not listed) ? - do i nedd to add something to the access list? - or is it ok to add this access list as is here? - i presume ok?

below is a the relevant sections of my Cisco 3560's config - the trick is to include in each target vlan's config the ip helper-address command pointing to the WoL sending host - along with the "ip directed-broadcast" used with an access list to allow those ports to be broadcast - but just for your host that's sending.

In the that hosts VLAN you need to put in ip helper-address command with the target VLAN's network broadcast address.

You'll need to do the ip forward-protocol udp <pick your ports>

In the config below VLAN6 is where the WakeOnLan server resides (

The additional ip helper-address in each VLAN config were put in previously - it's the DHCP server.

interface Vlan1
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip directed-broadcast 101

interface Vlan6
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
interface Vlan7
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip directed-broadcast 101
interface Vlan35
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
ip directed-broadcast 101

ip forward-protocol udp 16962
ip forward-protocol udp 0
ip forward-protocol udp echo
ip forward-protocol udp discard

access-list 101 permit udp host any eq echo
access-list 101 permit udp host any eq 0
access-list 101 permit udp host any eq discard
access-list 101 permit udp host any eq 16962
2013-05-08 at 06:06:00ID28121519TopicsNetwork Routers ,Network Management ,Windows Server 2012Participating Experts2Points500Comments2

For more Cisco WS-C3750X-24P-S information please click here


3750 Switch trunk to Extreme 450

Extreme Config WS-C3750X-48T-S:

# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "Linthicum250-x450"
configure snmp sysLocation "Linthicum"
configure snmp sysContact "Page_Network:critical"
configure timezone name CDT -360 autodst
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset
# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-50
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-50
configure vlan default delete ports 1-50
create vlan "ip11"
configure vlan ip11 tag 11
create vlan "ip191"
configure vlan ip191 tag 191
create vlan "ip4000"
configure vlan ip4000 tag 4000
create vlan "ip923"
configure vlan ip923 tag 923
create vlan "ip998"
configure vlan ip998 tag 998
create vlan "ip999"
configure vlan ip999 tag 999
enable sharing 21 grouping 21-22 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
configure vlan ip11 add ports 1-2 tagged
configure vlan ip11 add ports 17 untagged
configure vlan ip191 add ports 2 tagged
configure vlan ip923 add ports 2 tagged
configure vlan ip998 add ports 1-2, 21 tagged
configure vlan ip998 add ports 3-15, 18-20, 23-48 untagged
configure vlan ip999 add ports 1-2, 21 tagged
configure vlan ip999 add ports 16 untagged
configure vlan Mgmt ipaddress 172.16.xx.xxx
# Module fdb configuration.
# Module rtmgr configuration.
disable ip-option loose-source-route
configure iproute add default 172.16.xx.xxx vr VR-Mgmt
configure iproute add default vr VR-Mgmt
# Module mcmgr configuration.
# Module aaa configuration.
configure radius mgmt-access primary server 172.16.xx.xx 1812 client-ip 172.16.1.xx vr VR-Mgmt
configure radius mgmt-access primary shared-secret encrypted "xxxxxx"
configure radius mgmt-access secondary server 172.16.xx.xx 1812 client-ip 172.16.xx.xx vr VR-Mgmt
configure radius mgmt-access secondary shared-secret encrypted "xxxxxx"
configure radius netlogin primary server 1812 client-ip 172.16.x.x vr VR-Mgmt
configure radius netlogin primary shared-secret encrypted "xxxxxxxxxx"
enable radius mgmt-access
enable radius netlogin
configure account admin encrypted "xxxxxxxxxx"
configure account all password-policy lockout-on-login-failures on
configure account admin password-policy lockout-on-login-failures on
# Module acl configuration.
# Module bfd configuration.
# Module cfgmgr configuration.
configure idletimeout 10
# Module dosprotect configuration.
# Module dot1ag configuration.
# Module eaps configuration.
# Module edp configuration.
# Module elrp configuration.
# Module ems configuration.
configure syslog add 172.16.x.x:xxx vr VR-Mgmt local7
enable log target syslog 172.16.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
configure log target syslog 172.16.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 filter DefaultFilter severity Debug-Data
configure log target syslog 172.16.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 match Any
configure log target syslog 172.16.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 format timestamp seconds date Mmm-dd event-name none priority tag-name
configure syslog add 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
enable log target syslog 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
configure log target syslog vr VR-Mgmt local7 filter DefaultFilter severity Info
configure log target syslog vr VR-Mgmt local7 match Any
configure log target syslog vr VR-Mgmt local7 format timestamp seconds date Mmm-dd event-name none priority tag-name
configure syslog add 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
enable log target syslog 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
configure log target syslog 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 filter DefaultFilter severity Info
configure log target syslog 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 match Any
configure log target syslog 10.3.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 format timestamp seconds date Mmm-dd event-name none priority tag-name
configure syslog add 10.4.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
enable log target syslog 10.4.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7
configure log target syslog 10.4.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 filter DefaultFilter severity Info
configure log target syslog 10.4.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 match Any
configure log target syslog 10.4.x.x:514 vr VR-Mgmt local7 format timestamp seconds date Mmm-dd event-name none priority tag-name
# Module epm configuration.
# Module erps configuration.
# Module esrp configuration.
# Module ethoam configuration.
# Module etmon configuration.
enable sflow
configure sflow collector 192.168.x.x port 6343 vr "VR-Mgmt"
enable sflow ports 1
enable sflow ports 2
enable sflow ports 3
enable sflow ports 4
enable sflow ports 5
enable sflow ports 6
enable sflow ports 7
enable sflow ports 8
enable sflow ports 9
enable sflow ports 10
enable sflow ports 11
enable sflow ports 12
enable sflow ports 13
enable sflow ports 14
enable sflow ports 15
enable sflow ports 16
enable sflow ports 17
enable sflow ports 18
enable sflow ports 19
enable sflow ports 20
enable sflow ports 21
enable sflow ports 22
enable sflow ports 23
enable sflow ports 24
enable sflow ports 25
enable sflow ports 26
enable sflow ports 27
enable sflow ports 28
enable sflow ports 29
enable sflow ports 30
enable sflow ports 31
enable sflow ports 32
enable sflow ports 33
enable sflow ports 34
enable sflow ports 35
enable sflow ports 36
enable sflow ports 37
enable sflow ports 38
enable sflow ports 39
enable sflow ports 40
enable sflow ports 41
enable sflow ports 42
enable sflow ports 43
enable sflow ports 44
enable sflow ports 45
enable sflow ports 46
enable sflow ports 47
enable sflow ports 48
enable sflow ports 49
enable sflow ports 50
# Module exsshd configuration.
# Module hal configuration.
# Module idMgr configuration.
# Module ipSecurity configuration.
# Module ipfix configuration.
# Module lacp configuration.
# Module lldp configuration.
enable lldp ports 1
enable lldp ports 2
enable lldp ports 3
enable lldp ports 4
enable lldp ports 5
enable lldp ports 6
enable lldp ports 7
enable lldp ports 8
enable lldp ports 9
enable lldp ports 10
enable lldp ports 11
enable lldp ports 12
enable lldp ports 13
enable lldp ports 14
enable lldp ports 15
enable lldp ports 16
enable lldp ports 17
enable lldp ports 18
enable lldp ports 19
enable lldp ports 20
enable lldp ports 21
enable lldp ports 22
enable lldp ports 23
enable lldp ports 24
enable lldp ports 25
enable lldp ports 26
enable lldp ports 27
enable lldp ports 28
enable lldp ports 29
enable lldp ports 30
enable lldp ports 31
enable lldp ports 32
enable lldp ports 33
enable lldp ports 34
enable lldp ports 35
enable lldp ports 36
enable lldp ports 37
enable lldp ports 38
enable lldp ports 39
enable lldp ports 40
enable lldp ports 41
enable lldp ports 42
enable lldp ports 43
enable lldp ports 44
enable lldp ports 45
enable lldp ports 46
enable lldp ports 47
enable lldp ports 48
enable lldp ports 49
enable lldp ports 50
# Module msdp configuration.
# Module netLogin configuration.
configure netlogin vlan ip4000
enable netlogin dot1x
enable netlogin ports 18 dot1x
configure netlogin ports 18 mode port-based-vlans
configure netlogin ports 18 no-restart
# Module netTools configuration.
configure dns-client add name-server 172.16.x.x vr VR-Mgmt
configure dns-client add domain-suffix net.noridian.com
configure sntp-client primary 172.16.x.x vr VR-Mgmt
configure sntp-client secondary 192.168.x.x vr VR-Mgmt
enable sntp-client
# Module poe configuration.
# Module rip configuration.
# Module ripng configuration.
# Module snmpMaster configuration.
configure snmpv3 add user xxxxxxx authentication sha auth-encrypted hex a9:f0:c0:49:ce:1b:1e:47:ff:ce:01:24:a2:7b:14:1d:1f:98:20:5c privacy privacy-encrypted hex a9:f0:c0:49:ce:1b:1e:47:ff:ce:01:24:a2:7b:14:1d:1f:98:20:5c
configure snmpv3 add group xxxxx user xxxxx sec-model snmpv1
configure snmpv3 add group xxxxxx user xxxxxx sec-model snmpv2c
configure snmpv3 add group xxxxx user xxxxx sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access xxxxxxx sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view defaultAdminView write-view defaultAdminView notify-view defaultAdminView
configure snmpv3 add access xxxxx sec-model usm sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access xxxxxx sec-model usm sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add community xxxxxx name xxxxxx user xxxxxxx
configure snmpv3 add target-addr v1v2cNotifyTAddr1 paramxxxxxNotifyParam1 ipaddress 172.16.x.x transport-port 162 vr VR-Mgmt tag-list defaultNotify
configure snmpv3 add target-params xxxxxx user xxxxxUser1 mp-model snmpv2c sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth
# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 00049635e296
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default
# Module telnetd configuration.
disable telnet
# Module tftpd configuration.
# Module thttpd configuration.
# Module vmt configuration.

# Module vsm configuration.

For more Cisco WS-C3750V2-24TS-S information please click here


CISCO IOS Recovery 3560X with USB flash drive

WS-C3560X-48T-L series products have two main categories, Cisco 3560V2 and Cisco 3560X, 3560V2 is FE based switch while 3560X is GE based switch, the previous Cisco 3560, 3560G and 3560E are end of sales now and replaced by Cisco 3560V2 and Cisco 3560X. Cisco Catalyst 3560 v2 Series consumes less power than its predecessors. The 3560-X Series Switches is an enterprise-class lines of stackable and standalone switches. 3Anetwork.com keeps regular stock of 3560V2 and 3560X switches. Among all Cisco Catalyst 3560 switches, WS-C3560V2-24TS-S, WS-C3560V2-24PS-S WS-C3560X-24T-L, WS-C3560X-24T-S and WS-C3560X-24P-S are best selling models. 3Anetwork.com offers best Cisco 3560 Price, Cisco 3560V2 Price, Cisco 3560X Price, ship to worldwide.

But the "GUI-less" Hyper-V Server installation itself is so easy, there really isn't much to talk about.
Download the ISO (start at the product page)
This looks like the easiest part, but to me it was the dumbest part. You'll have to sign in to Microsoft TechNet and answer a questionnaire but it only worked with IE on Windows. Safari on my Mac gave me an error.
Burn the ISO, boot it up, select Custom install
Select a partition to install and we're done
If you re-did the partition at this stage, you may have to restart before it's recognized as installable.
Here are some post-installation tasks.
Join a domain. When you do, it will give you an opportunity to change the server name.
Enable remote management and remote desktop. Remote desktop?! Sounded silly to me, but "GUI-less" isn't really what it sounds like. You'll see…
Network settings – I just kept it as DHCP at first. Note that if link isn't up, the NIC won't be listed.

For more Cisco information please click here


3Anetwork.com keeps regular stock of GLC-LH-SMD, GLC-LH-SMD is the replacement of GLC-LH-SM. Compare with GLC-LH-SM, GLC-LH-SMD has DOM function. Cisco GLC-LH-SMD is compatible with the IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-LX standard, operates on standard single-mode fiber-optic link spans of up to 10 km and up to 550 m on any multimode fibers. When used over legacy multimode fiber type, the transmitter should be coupled through a mode conditioning patch cable.

Key Features of 1.25G SFP transceiver:
Data Rate: 1.25Gbps,NRZ;
Single +3.3V Power Supply;
RoHS Compliant and Lead-free;
AC/AC Differential Electrical Interface;
Compliant with Multi-Source Agreement(MSA);
Duplex LC Connector;
Compliance with specifications for IEEE-802.3z Gigabit Ethernet at 1.25Gbps;
Compliance with ANSI specifications for Fibre Channel applications at 1.06bps;
No configuration or installation software required;
Eye Safety Designed to meet LASER Class 1 comply with EN60825-1.

Also there are other compatibale brands (like Cisco, Huawei and so on) provides 1.25G SFP transceiver. Cisco compatible 1.25G SFP like GLC-SX-MM, GLC-LH-SM, GLC-EX-SMD are also avalible at Ingellen. GLC-SX-MM is 1000Base-SX SFP fiber optic transceiver for multimode fiber and it works at 850nm wavelength. It fits for Gigabit Ethernet port or slot and link the port with the network. The GLC-LH-SM trancevier supportis dual data-rate of 1.25G/1.0625G and 20km transmission distance with SMF. The GLC-EX-SMD trancevier is high performance, cost effective modules supporting dual data-rate of 1.25G/1.0625G and 40km transmission distance with SMF. Th

For more Cisco EHWIC-4ESG information please click here


WS-C3750X-12S-S Cabling

WS-C3750X-12S-S,Catalyst 3750X 12 Port GE SFP IP Base
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches are an enterprise-class lines of stackable and standalone switches, respectively. These switches provide high availability, scalability, security, energy efficiency, and ease of operation with innovative features such as Cisco StackPower ,IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) configurations, optional network modules, redundant power supplies, and Media Access Control Security (MACsec) features. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series with StackWise Plus technology provides scalability, ease of management and investment protection for the evolving business needs. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X enhance productivity by enabling applications such as IP telephony, wireless, and video for borderless network experience.

 24 and 48 10/100/1000 PoE+, non-PoE models, and 12 and 24 GE SFP port models

Four optional uplink network modules with GE or 10GE ports

Industry first PoE+ with 30W power on all ports in 1 rack unit (RU) form factor

Dual redundant, modular power supplies and fans

Media Access Control Security (MACsec) hardware-based encryption

Flexible NetFlow and switch-to-switch hardware encryption with the uplink Service Module

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for routed access in IP Base image

IPv4 and IPv6 routing, Multicast routing, advanced quality of service (QoS), and security features in hardware

Enhanced limited lifetime warranty (LLW) with next business day (NBD) advance hardware replacement and 90 day access to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support

Enhanced Cisco EnergyWise for operational cost optimization by measuring actual power consumption of the PoE devices, reporting, and reducing energy consumption across the network

USB Type-A and Type-B ports for storage and console respectively and an out-of-band Ethernet management port
In addition to the above features, the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X switches also offer:

Cisco StackPower™ technology: An innovative feature and industry first for sharing power among stack members

Cisco StackWise Plus technology for ease of use and resiliency with 64 Gbps of throughput

For more Cisco 1900 information please click here